
Journal papers

  1. G. Velho, J. Auriol, I. Boussaada, and R. Bonalli, Stabilization and Optimal Control of an Interconnected n+m Hetero-directional Hyperbolic PDE-SDE System. Submitted.
  2. L. Brogat-Motte, R. Bonalli, and A. Rudi, Learning Controlled Stochastic Differential Equations. Submitted.
  3. T. Lew, R. Bonalli, and M. Pavone, Convex Hulls of Reachable Sets. Submitted.
  4. A. C. Morelli, C. Giordano, R. Bonalli, and F. Topputo, Characterization of Singular Arcs in Spacecraft Trajectory Optimization. Submitted.
  5. G. Velho, J. Auriol, and R. Bonalli, A Gradient Descent-Ascent Method for Continuous-Time Risk-Averse Optimal Control. Submitted.
  6. R. Bonalli and A. Rudi, Non-Parametric Learning of Stochastic Differential Equations with Non-asymptotic Fast Rates of Convergence. Accepted for publication in Foundations of Computational Mathematics.
  7. G. Velho, J. Auriol, R. Bonalli, and I. Boussaada, Stabilization and Optimal Control of Interconnected SDE - Scalar PDE System. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8 (2024), pp. 2307-2312.
  8. T. Lew, R. Bonalli, and M. Pavone, Sample Average Approximation for Stochastic Programming with Equality Constraints. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 34 (2024), pp. 3506-3533.
  9. T. Lew, R. Bonalli, L. Janson, and M. Pavone, Estimating the Convex Hull of the Image of a Set with Smooth Boundary: Error Bounds and Applications. Discrete & Computational Geometry (2024), pp. 1-39.
  10. C. Leparoux, R. Bonalli, B. Hérissé, and F. Jean, Statistical Linearization for Robust Motion Planning. Systems & Control Letters, 189 (2024), 105825.
  11. R. Bonalli, C. Leparoux, B. Hérissé, and F. Jean, On the Accessibility and Controllability of Statistical Linearization for Stochastic Control: Algebraic Rank Conditions and their Genericity. Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 14 (2024), pp. 648-670.
  12. T. Lew, R. Bonalli, and M. Pavone, Risk-Averse Trajectory Optimization via Sample Average Approximation. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 9 (2023), pp. 1500-1507.
  13. R. Bonalli and B. Bonnet, First-Order Pontryagin Maximum Principle for Risk-Averse Stochastic Optimal Control Problems. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 61 (2023), pp. 1881-1909.
  14. R. Bonalli, T. Lew, and M. Pavone, Analysis of Theoretical and Numerical Properties of Sequential Convex Programming for Continuous-Time Optimal Control. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68 (2023), pp. 4570-4585.
  15. D. Malyuta, T. P. Reynolds, M. Szmuk, T. Lew, R. Bonalli, M. Pavone, and B. Açikmeşe, Convex Optimization for Trajectory Generation: A Tutorial on Generating Dynamically Feasible Trajectories Reliably and Efficiently. IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 42 (2022), pp. 40-113.

  16. Awarded the IEEE CSM Outstanding Paper Award 2023.
  17. M. P. Chapman, R. Bonalli, K. M. Smith, I. Yang, M. Pavone, and C. J. Tomlin, Risk-sensitive safety analysis using Conditional Value-at-Risk. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 67 (2022), pp. 6521-6536.
  18. R. Bonalli, T. Lew, and M. Pavone, Sequential Convex Programming for Non-Linear Stochastic Optimal Control. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 28 (2022), total pp. 34.
  19. R. Bonalli, B. Hérissé, and E. Trélat, Optimal Control of Endo-Atmospheric Launch Vehicle Systems: Geometric and Computational Issues. IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 65 (2020), pp. 2418-2433.
  20. R. Bonalli, B. Hérissé, and E. Trélat, Continuity of Pontryagin Extremals with Respect to Delays in Nonlinear Optimal Control. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 57 (2019), pp. 1440-1466.

Conference papers

  1. G. Velho, J. Auriol, I. Boussaada, and R. Bonalli, Stabilization and Optimal Control of a Multi Input-Delayed SDE System. Submitted.
  2. G. Velho, J. Auriol, R. Bonalli, and I. Boussaada, Stabilization and Optimal Control of Interconnected SDE - Scalar PDE System. Presentation of [J13] (different proceeding) at IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2024, Milan.
  3. G. Velho, R. Bonalli, J. Auriol, and I. Boussaada, Mean-Covariance Steering of a Linear Stochastic System with Input Delay and Additive Noise. Proc. IEEE European Control Conference, 2024, Stockholm.
  4. T. Lew, R. Bonalli, and M. Pavone, Risk-Averse Trajectory Optimization via Sample Average Approximation. Presentation of [J8] (different proceeding) at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2024, Yokohama.
  5. T. Lew, R. Bonalli, and M. Pavone, Exact Characterization of the Convex Hulls of Reachable Sets. Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2023, Singapore.
    Awarded the IEEE CDC 2023 Outstanding Student Paper Award.
  6. F. Mahlknecht, J. I. Alora, S. Jain, E. Schmerling, R. Bonalli, G. Haller, and M. Pavone, Using Spectral Submanifolds for Nonlinear Periodic Control. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2022, Cancun.
  7. T. Lew, L. Janson, R. Bonalli, and M. Pavone, A Simple and Efficient Sampling-based Algorithm for General Reachability Analysis. Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference, 2022, Stanford.
  8. A. Bylard, R. Bonalli, and M. Pavone, Composable Geometric Motion Policies using Multi-Task Pullback Bundle Dynamical Systems. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2021, Xi’an.
  9. T. Lew, R. Bonalli, and M. Pavone, Chance-Constrained Sequential Convex Programming for Robust Trajectory Optimization. IEEE European Control Conference, 2020, Saint Petersburg.
  10. S. Banerjee, T. Lew, R. Bonalli, A. Alfaadhel, I. A. Alomar, H. M. Shageer, and M. Pavone, Learning-based Warm-Starting for Fast Sequential Convex Programming and Trajectory Optimization. IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2020, Big Sky.
  11. M. Kleinbort, K. Solovey, R. Bonalli, E. Granados, K. E. Bekris, and D. Halperin, Refined Analysis of Asymptotically-Optimal Kinodynamic Planning in the State-Cost Space. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2020, Paris.
  12. R. Bonalli, A. Cauligi, A. Bylard, T. Lew and M. Pavone, Trajectory Optimization on Manifolds: A Theoretically-Guaranteed Embedded Sequential Convex Programming Approach. Robotics: Science and Systems, 2019, Freiburg.
  13. R. Bonalli, A. Cauligi, A. Bylard and M. Pavone, GuSTO: Guaranteed Sequential Trajectory Optimization via Sequential Convex Programming. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2019, Montreal.
  14. R. Bonalli, B. Hérissé, H. Maurer and Emmanuel Trélat. The Dubins Car Problem with Delay and Applications to Aeronautics Motion Planning Problems. 18th French-German-Italian Conference on Optimization, 2017, Paderborn.
  15. R. Bonalli, B. Hérissé and E. Trélat. Analytical Initialization of a Continuation-Based Indirect Method for Optimal Control of Endo-Atmospheric Launch Vehicle Systems. IFAC World Congress, 2017, Toulouse.
  16. R. Bonalli, B. Hérissé and E. Trélat. Solving Optimal Control Problems for Delayed Control-Affine Systems with Quadratic Cost by Numerical Continuation. IEEE American Control Conference, 2017, Seattle.

Graduate thesis

PhD Thesis - R. Bonalli, Optimal Control of Aerospace Systems with Control-State Constraints and Delays. Defended on July 13, 2018 (Sorbonne Université). Dissertation committee: Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Jean-Michel Coron, Bruno Hérissé, Nicolas Petit, Jean-Baptiste Pomet, Emmanuel Trélat, and Hasnaa Zidani.
Awarded the ONERA Best PhD Student Award 2018 in Systems and Control.